Tuesday 31 May 2011

An Eventful Day!

Yesterday Gerry went for his annual eye examination and his optometrist told him that the surgery he had last June for a detached retina looked like it needed attention again.  So, bright and early this morning we left Ferndale, WA to head into the eye clinic at Vancouver General Hospital for a 7:40 appt.  After being examined by 3 specialists, it was determined that all was okay and that Gerry was to go back in 6 months time for a checkup.  Thank goodness that ended so well.

We left the rv this morning at about 6:15 and got back about 11:30 just in time for lunch! ;-)

After a cool start to today, the sun has decided to poke its head out and it is lovely outside.  The rv resort has cleared considerably after our Member's Appreciation Weekend - which was a lot of fun.  The weekend was finished off with a bbq on Sunday night.

1 comment:

  1. so glad everything turned out so well!! looks like you are having the time of your lives!! yea!
