Wednesday, 29 June 2011

This is NOT what it was meant for!!!

Last Thursday we had a few of the gang over for dinner.  I was busy bustling around in the kitchen cooking and when I looked into the family room I saw ..... one daughter talking on her phone, one daughter on her laptop, one grandson playing on his iPod, Gerry checking stuff out on his Blackberry and another granddaughter playing on my iPad!!!!!

So I decided I was going to put a basket by the front door for family to put their electronic gadgets in there when they came in ... that way I would be able to at least have a conversation with members of the family! I think at one point two of them were texting each other back and forth as a gag!!!

As you can see, my "electronics basket" is being put to good use ... just not for the purpose it was intended for!!!! LOL


  1. Someone had the right idea!!!!

  2. They love sleeping everywhere but in their cat beds! LOL
