Saturday, 11 June 2011

A Funny Story ...

Kowing it was my grandson's birthday coming up on June 10th (see post below), I asked him what he would like from Nana and Poppa.  On each of the eight grandchildren's birthdays we always give them either a gift certificate/cash or buy them whatever it is their little hearts desire in the amount of $100.

I asked Austin what he would like for his birthday and he replied that if we gave him the $100 cash and Mommy and Daddy gave him $100 cash and he took $50+ out of his own money, he could afford to buy an iPod Touch 4th Generation.  I asked him how badly he wanted one of these and he replied "Oh Nana, I want it with all my heart!" I asked him if he would be willing to have it now as a birthday/Christmas gift and he was jumping with glee saying yes.

Sooooooo, yesterday on his birthday Austin and Nana went to buy him his iPod.  He was absolutely over the moon - we threw in the extra money too as he is graduating from elementary school to middle school this year and is well on his way to becoming a very responsible young man!

Anyway, getting back to the story ...

When Austin went to bed the night before his birthday and knowing we were going to buy this gift for him the next day, he felt it necessary to have a little chat with his Mommy.  He told her that they were taught in school that sometimes elderly people don't know what things are really worth and they don't really appreciate money too much because they get senile!!! LOL  He, therefore, did not feel he could let us buy him this expensive gift.  My daughter had a hard time holding back the laughter she tells me and quickly told Austin that he really shouldn't worry about us and our money as we were going to be buying a newer and bigger rv.  His reply ... "oh well then ... that's ok!"

What a little ham he is!!!!!! LOL  Austin just celebrated his 11th birthday but this early photo of him speaks volumes!

Oh, and Happy Birthday Ozzy!!


  1. Awwwww nice story Carol - and a very happy birthday to Austin.

  2. Thanks hon ... he really is such a card ... the stories I could tell you! LOL
