Sunday, 26 February 2012

Two More Kitties Find a Loving Home!

Today I joined my daughter Briggy and her girls Emmy and Lauryn and we went to Katie's Place in Maple Ridge to find the girls their 2 new kitties.  What a pair of lovely kittens they adopted too ... Stella, the little girl is 4 months old and the boy, Chase, is 5 months old.  They are so cuddly and when I just called over to the house, the kittens were snuggled up with the girls fast asleep!  What a special day!  Ahhhhh, another two kitties who have found a warm and loving forever home!

1 comment:

  1. Oh...I am so happy for the girls and the kitties!!!!! Cats are so wonderful!! And I love your quilt project!! I have been sewing skirts all day!! So many projects so little time!
