Sunday, 26 August 2012

Summer Fun with Lissy and Brayden

What fun we had at the Chilliwack Country Fair!!!  These kiddies are little dare devils .... look at them on the bungee jump ... Lissy managed to do a triple flip in the air and Brayden did a double.  Good job kids - my heart was in my mouth watching them!

Lissy ... no fear!

Brayden ... good job!


Lissy ... oh my goodness

Brayden trying to stand

So much fun!

Brayden milking the cow

Lissy milking the cow (too bad about the sticker on your back, honey! LOL)

Lissy and Brayden testing the suction on the milking machine!!

Thursday, 16 August 2012

Another Hot One!

No one in these regions can say it is too cool, that's for sure!

Temperatures are in the low 90's these past few days with now through until the end of the weekend the hottest of the year they predict!!!

I am still away in the rv in Bridal Falls and enjoying the last few days seeing my daughter and family up here rv'ing with me.  Great fun!

I drop in and out of facebook every few years and have been back on there now for close to 2 weeks ... a record for me! ;-)  There is only so much time I have in a day at home but being away in the rv, I am blessed with an abundance of this precious commodity! ;-)  So, I have been enjoying this brief interlude of interacting with all of my friends.  I have suddenly acquired 112 friends at last count ... how wonderful this is to connect with all those whose friendship mean so much to me!

Hubby is arriving tomorrow with our grandson who will stay with us for the weekend and then we will pack up and head home on Sunday about lunchtime.  We are looking forward to spoiling yet another one of our darling grandkidlets!

I have had a lot of time to relax, read, nap, swim and visit with camper friends here but am looking forward to going home and getting back into the groove.  I miss my kitties so much ... I never bring them away when I have the grandkiddies, it is just not fair to the kitties as they really only prefer mine and hubby's company! ;-)

All for now ... have my book, cold pop and sunglasses and ready to hit the pool. ;-)

Wednesday, 15 August 2012

Brits and Humour!

Very well done!  Enjoy!

Sunday, 12 August 2012

More Fun with More Grandkiddies

It is that sad time again when two more of my little darlings have left to go home after spending an amazing and fun weekend here in the rv with Nana and Poppa. 

They arrived here on Friday and after a nice dinner we went swimming and came back and built a bonfire and made S'Mores, then watched a funny movie and hit the sack pretty tired.

On Saturday after a wonderful breakfast cooked by Poppa, we headed into Chilliwack to the Country Fair.  What fun that was ... the kids went on the bungee jumping and inside those big plastic balls that you can roll around in the swimming pool inside.  There was so much to see there ... they even had a chance to try milking a cow - not a real one!! LOL  After we left there, we went out for a nice late lunch and then came back to the rv campground to go swimming.  We saw the day off with a lovely bbq, another bonfire and S'Mores and a very funny movie.

The weather has been perfect for all of the grandkiddie's visits and today was no exception either.  Perfect for us to go over to the waterslides!

I am exhausted but am having so much fun with all the kiddies ... have I told you how much I love being a Nana????? ;-)

Have a gazillion photos to upload once I get home!

Wednesday, 8 August 2012


How wonderful !

Where's the Sun?

I can't believe the change in the weather today!  Brrrr - chilly and rainy all day!  I am so glad that the grandkiddies had such beautiful weather for the 5 days they were here.  In spite of the weather, I could see some brave little kiddies climbing the hill with their inner tubes today at the waterslides ... how wonderful to be a child and not have a care in the world!!!! ;-)

I have taken advantage of today's rainy day to do a little quilting.  I am making a dragonfly art quilt for my granddaughter and have made great progress on it today.  It has all of her favourite colours in it so I think she will really like it.  Will post a photo of it when I get home.

Tomorrow I think I will take a run into Chilliwack and visit one of my favourite quilting shops called Hamels.  They have such wonderful fabrics there and so many terrific quilting patterns. ;-)

Tuesday, 7 August 2012

Back in the RV

We left last Friday to come away for almost 3 weeks again in the rv ... this time we are in Bridal Falls ... a lovely spot tucked right underneath Mount Cheam.

This time away in the summertime is always for the grandkiddies as we have the wonderful waterslides right here, a lovely swimming pool and hot tub and very nice playgrounds.  Our first grandkiddies to come and stay with us with our little darlings Emmy and Lauryn.  We brought them with us on Friday and their Mommy came to get them this afternoon.

What a wonderful time we have had with them as all the photos will show.  These will have to wait until I get home to upload unfortunately as I left my USB camera cord at home.

After 5 most wonderful days of non stop fun and chatter, I now find myself all alone in the rv and feeling quite sad!  There is nothing in the world to compare to the sweet laughter and smiles of children!  ;-)

Our next two grandchildren, Lissy and Brayden, arrive in 3 days and more fun awaits us with the waterslides, swimming and bonfires!  The following weekend we will get to enjoy our Ozzy for a couple of days too and get to enjoy those waterslides, swimming and bonfires again!

It really is a fabulous life! ;-)